Q: How can I pay?
A: Our preferred method of payment is online through the TryBooking Events Portal. This applies to Events, Classes and Membership payments.
Alternatively, payment is possible through direct bank transfers, using the attached information: Online Payments.
Please email your Receipt of Funds Transfer to: alliancefrancaisedegeelong@yahoo.com
If you are unable to make payments via either of the above methods, it is possible to pay via cheque or money order, please contact us if you require assistance.
Q: How do I obtain more information about classes?
A: If you require more information than that which is provided on our classes page, please contact us by email.
Q: When do classes start?
A: Class dates align with school term dates, and there are no classes held during school holiday periods.
Q: Do you offer private tuition?
A: The Alliance Française de Geelong does not offer private lessons but we can provide you with the names and contact information for a number of tutors in the Geelong area who may suit your needs. The cost of these classes should be determined by you and your tutor.
Q: Do you offer individual classes for VCE students?
A: While we do not provide individual coaching for VCE students, there are regular group classes held at Geelong College to assist VCE students in preparing for their oral exams.
Q: Where are your events held?
A: We do not yet have our own premises, but our classes are held at Clonard (bar the VCE classes which are held at Geelong College), the films are screened at Village Cinemas and our events are held at various suitable venues around Geelong.
Q: Can we contact you by phone?
A: The Alliance Française de Geelong does not have a specific phone number. Phone numbers are provided for specific events but all general enquiries should be directed to the email address.